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Technical manual for Voucherly's free plugin for Shopify e-commerce platform.


Shopify does not allow direct integration of external payment methods within its checkout process. Therefore, payments through Voucherly are handled asynchronously. See Checkouts for additional info.



A full video tutorial is available here.


  1. Sign in to your Shopify backend.
  2. If necessary, allow custom app development.
    • Go to Settings > Apps and sales channels
    • Click Develop apps.
    • Click Allow custom app development.
    • Read the warning and information provided, and then click Allow custom app development.
  3. Create a custom app.
    • Go to Settings > Apps and sales channels
    • Click Develop apps.
    • Click Create a custom app.
    • In the modal window, enter the App name and select an App developer. The app developer can be the store owner, or any staff or collaborator account with the Develop apps permission.
    • Click Create app.
  4. Select API scopes.
    • Go to Configuration > Admin API integration.
    • Click Configure.
    • Select the following scopes: write_order_edits, read_order_edits, write_orders, read_orders, read_products.
    • Click Save.
  5. Install the app to get the API access token and API secret key from API credentials.
    • Go to API credentials.
    • Click Install app.
    • Reveal and copy Admin API access token.
    • Copy API key.
    • Copy API secret key.
  6. Create a custom manual payment method.
    • Go to Settings > Payments.
    • In the Manual payment methods section, select Create custom payment method.
    • In Custom payment method name, enter the name of your payment method. The payment method does not necessarily need to be called "Voucherly", but it must include the word "Voucherly". For example Buoni Pasto - Paga con Voucherly.
    • Consider enhancing the payment method section by adding a note related to the payment flow. This can help make the process clearer for your customers. For example:
      • In Additional details, Dopo aver cliccato "Paga ora", riceverai una mail con le istruzioni per il pagamento.
      • In Payment instructions, Ti è stata inviata una mail contenente le istruzioni per il pagamento. Clicca sul link ricevuto e completa l'acquisto in modo sicuro su Voucherly.
  7. Go to Settings > Domains and get your Shopify store URL, in the format
  8. (optional) By default, the entire amount of the order will be payable with vouchers. To limit payments via vouchers to only certain products, assign a dedicated tag (Food Product Tag) to them.


  1. Sign in to your Voucherly dashboard.
  2. Go to Configurazione merchant > Integrazioni and click on Shopify:
    • Click on ✏️ next to Parametri.
    • Edit your settings.
    • Click Modifica.

User guide


Shopify uses a standard checkout process that doesn’t support external payment methods directly. For this reason, payments with Voucherly are processed outside the checkout flow:

  • During checkout, the customer selects Voucherly as the payment method.
  • The customer automatically receives an email containing a payment link.
  • By clicking the link, the customer is redirected to Voucherly.
  • The customer completes the payment on Voucherly.
  • After the payment is completed, the Shopify order is automatically marked as paid.